Poster Archive : JUNE 2010

Message: Made by God

Bible verse: Psalm 19:1-2 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge."

Take two molecules of Hydrogen, one molecule of Oxygen and combine them in the right way. Incredible! Now you've got two molecules of water. That's all water is. Now, heat the water until it turns into a gas. It's usually called steam or water vapour. But there's nothing different about the gas at a molecular level. The gas is still made up of water molecules. In fact, all that's happened is that the molecules of water are further apart.

So, there you go. Whenever you look up at the sky and see a giant Cumulonimbus cloud standing up like some ancient battle fortress with imposing ramparts and mighty buttresses fortifying the heavens from terrestrial attack... well, get over it. Its just steam - water vapour. Nothing else!

No need to wax lyrical, or feel moved by it. It's a scientific event. Just ask the weather man. Eventually science will label everything and at last we'll be able to put the goose bumps away and get real about what the universe is made of. It's just a collection of complex elements.

I mean, now we know what things are. We know them. Don't we?

No! We absolutely don't. Not by a long shot or a country mile or any other measure you care to use. Just putting a label on a cloud doesn't sum up all its greatness. Just because we can break something down into smaller parts doesn't mean that we can account for everything about it.

Clouds may be made of water molecules and we may even be able to break those molecules apart to get Hydrogen and Oxygen. But what are these elements? They're the stuff that God uses to describe what's in his mind's eye. Elements devised by God to portray and render on a vast scale, his plans and purposes. God needs only to speak to bring to pass all that he imagines. And the elements of creation, as they're arranged in various ways, express perfectly all that he wants.

Psalm 19 is a poem in the Bible written by the great King David. He begins his poem with this, altogether different account of a cloud in the sky:

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge."

So, wherever you look, up or down, or all around, you see the stuff of God, the work of his hands. Sure, we fiddle with it like children in a sandpit. But we are, and are amongst, the stuff of God. So say thanks.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for everything you've made. Amen.

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